E-Tutoring for Dyslexic Tendencies.

We now provide Dyslexic Specific Tutoring for ages 8years old through to 20 years old.

This is provided by a Qualified Dyslexia Specialist who is also an RTLB in training.

You do not need a diagnosis! Your child is assessed by IncludeME SES, provided specific, targetted supports around enhancing phonemic awareness. All tutoring is based on evidence-based models of supports.

Places are limited so please make sure you give us a call with enough time to be able to arrange your supports needed.

Pricing is negotiated depending on frequency.

Range is $125 weekly for once/week - $230 weekly for twice/week.

Supporting Success through a shared understanding and connection.

Supporting Success through a shared understanding and connection.


Static Assessments


Action Planning