Post 2 - Pricing and Process
Include has 2 different pricing pathways to choose from.
The one pricing pathway is for families who are after one or two services or supports. We call these services HOTSPOT Supports.
They are typically snapshot moments of help , guidance, resourcing provided to support your bigger context.
Examples of HotSPOT IncludeME Services:
Lucy was provided a device from school and this needs to be updated . - IncludeMe offersto review the device following the Ministry of Education guidelines, using the SETT analysis which they ask for.
Mark has been for an Auditory Processing Assessment and yes, he has auditory processing disorder and you now have a report in your hand. Now what? - IncludeME puts together a learner profile after chatting with his teacher and potentially observing in class. The Learner Profile will suggest which of the recommendations would best suit the whole context.
Jamie is 15 years old and has just started year 11. You were meaning to get him assessed for Dyslexia but back then, you didn’t know where to go. is it too late? - IncludeMe runs a battery of screening and diagnsotic tests suitable to support secondary contexts and provide valuable data needed should Jamie need special assessment conditions.
You are considering home-schooling as you have just had enough of the runaround and don’t know who to go to for answers - IncludeMe offers you online consultations with a summary of advice and guidance personalised to suit your context, your community and your school.
A full list of services and pricing is avaialble of request. Please contact us to let us know what it is you are struggling with so we can help.
The second option available is the whole bangshoot. This pathway is called the Partnership Pipeline.
What is the difference? - It includes many services all tacked onto one another in an evidence based sequence which results in your child’s sustainable success. It is an evidence based process of successful intervention; has a start, a middle , many tweaks and a review.
When on this pathway, your services are cheaper. Why? Because you pay a monthly partnership fee, reducing your service cost by at least 10% so that you are assured a dedicated long term service with heaps of benefits and resources added along the way. This usually takes about 20 weeks and we arrange it around your availability so that holidays and breaks don’t interrupt the flow of things.