
Specialist Education Support Services (SES) you can count on.

Welcome to IncludeME SES whanau,

How much would you pay for clarity and a shared understanding regarding your child’s differences? Tired of bouncing from one service to another in a broken public system only to have to wait months on end for another promised solution?

Why keep doing that when you don’t have to?

IncludeME SES provides privately accessible learning and behavioural support services across New Zealand, the goods without the waitlists and nonsense, ensuring your money is only spent on what is necessary and factual.

With over 20 years of Inclusive Educational Experience and a proven track record of awesomeness, we walk the walk effectively, with empathy, respect and understanding of what makes sense to everyone on the ground.

We get things sorted. This may start with assessments, and almost always includes communicating with your child’s school team in a positive, professional manner; ensuring you can have your say without feeling like an inconvenience.

Doing what we do , so you can do you

Our Services

We offer a range of solution packages to suit your context; from Assessment Packages to Intervention Packages, we tailor support to what is affordable, what is timely, and what is a priority.

Have a look at our range of Service Packages and remember to read about what people say about us too.

Some activities you may see us busy with are :

  • Coordinating Assessments, both Learning and Behavioural and Diagnosing where relevant;

  • Coordinating with your school team appropriately;

  • Facilitating Action Plans or IEP’s and reviewing their relevance;

  • Facilitating other support with other necessary roles and advocating for funding where appropriate too.

Diverse hands holding colorful puzzle pieces with icons on a wooden table, symbolizing teamwork and collaboration.

Unsure where to start? Contact us now for a chat, and let’s see how we can assist.  

There’s no right time, no better time, than right now.

You can’t stay in the corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.
— A.A Milne, Winnie- the-Pooh